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The Inflammatory Breast Cancer Network UK (IBCN)
Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is a rare and highly fatal form of breast cancer that is not typically discovered by mammogram and often occurs prior to standard breast cancer screening age recommendations.
I first learned of IBC when a very close friend of mine was diagnosed in 2016 and she has written about her story for this site. Like most people this was the first time I had heard of IBC and having seen first hand the speed with which this cancer can spread and the lack of information and expertise available to treat it, I have sought to raise as much money as possible to help the IBC Network UK (IBCN) with their invaluable work.
IBCN's purpose is to educate the public and health professionals about IBC and to promote and fund IBC research in the United Kingdom.
On top of Antarctic adventures and crazy long walks through the English countryside, I have been privileged to have been a Trustee of the charity since 2023.
For more information on IBCN please go to their website: https://ibcnetworkuk.org/